Travel Companions do not need to apply, only SINGERS
For couples who are both singers we ask that each individual fill out his/her/their application
STEP 1: Pay the 60$ Non-Returnable Application Fee:
Option 1: Venmo @PauloFaustini
Option 2: Zelle @ PFaustini40@gmail.com
Option 3: PayPal, Credit or Debit Card by clicking the red button below:
STEP 2: Fill out the online application form by clicking on the blue button below:
STEP 3: Program alumni from 2022 (Sicily), 2023 (Puglia), and Portugal (2024) are exempt from this step. After the application fee payment and receipt of your online application you will be contacted to confirm program participation. First time applicants and Alumni from 2019 and earlier proceed with STEP 3:
Schedule a Zoom Meeting: Once your application fee payment and online application form is received you will be contacted to schedule a Zoom meeting with program director, Paulo Faustini. This is an opportunity to meet the director, ask questions, and an opportunity for the director to get to know you and vocalize you for ensemble placement. You will be asked to vocalize in your middle, low, and upper registers on different vowels, and modulate by half step up and down, a cappella. There is NO SIGHT SINGING, nor will you be asked to sing a solo piece.
Please email serenadeschoraltravel@gmail.com if any further questions.