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All program participants, both singing and travel companions, as well as program staff, are required to be up-to-date on all COVID-19 vaccinations.


In addition, all staff as well as program participants must adhere to current COVID-19 or any other health guidelines from the Portuguese government, as pertaining to international travel and visiting Portugal as a tourist, including filling out government forms, showing proof of vaccination, etc., if ever required. The program recognizes the ongoing changes of guidelines and will adapt, adhere to the changes accordingly, as well as communicate with all program participants.


All of the program's activities, events, rehearsals and performances have the safety of participants as priority.

Furthermore, all participants are asked to sign a COVID-19 Safety & Health Pledge, along with the program's Terms & Conditions and COVID-19 Waiver. Email us at to request a copy of this document if you'd like to review it prior to applying to our program. 


It is vital and of utmost importance that all program participants purchase a very good travel insurance plan, making sure the plan not only covers COVID-19 related issues, but, any type of reason for cancellation, as the program is only refundable should SERENADES Choral Travel need to cancel. To date, only the 2020 program was canceled due to the COVID pandemic and all confirmed participants fees were refunded.


Below are some suggestions for insurance companies, but, it is at the participant's discretion which company to use. SERENADES Choral Travel has no business association with any of these organizations, nor profits from them, but, merely suggests them as a place to begin your insurance policy search. See links below along with other vital health, travel, and insurance related websites.



World Health Organization (WHO) 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

PORTUGAL International Travel Information

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